How to Compose a Eulogy
Many people find it difficult to express their views publicly and often the first real experience comes when one must pen the words for a eulogy. Our guidance is to look into your heart, do not be afraid to discuss openly how you feel, there is no better moment than this to express your heartfelt emotions.
Of course, you will need to capture the essence of the person and it can be useful to apply some chronology. Don’t be afraid to celebrate the whole person, the good and the challenging, (often the challenging can be useful for the lighter moments). Never try to write too much. More is not necessarily better. Make your limit of 7 to 10 minutes – certainly no longer. By limiting yourself you’ll weed those things of less consequence.
Don’t try to present without notes, the important points can often be forgotten and it’s so easy to do when you're confronted by an expectant audience.